LED Relighting 2017-01-10T09:40:50+00:00

HeSaLight, Lighting The Way

Marketed in Belgium by electriXities and Consulting EU, HeSaLight is a Danish company, specialized in “LED relighting” : the remplacement of their current bulbs – incandescent or fluo-compact – with  LED lamps,  allows companies and administrations to save between 70% et 85% of their lighting bills !

HeSaLight’s catalog is very large, and provides great solutions in any case: officesstores, industry, sports clubs and stadiums, and of course streets or roads public lighting.

HeSaLight helps suggesting your best lighting renewal choices, and proposes to finance your relighting: not only the lamps but their installation too, as well as automatic or remote controls, who will allow you to optimize your visual comfort together with dramatic reductions of your power bills.