About electriXities 2017-01-10T11:12:45+00:00

About electriXities

  • electriXities‘ objective is to massively reduce greenhouse gases emissions, within the deadlines imposed by the extreme urgency of global warming.

  • electriXities aims to exploit the business models of the energy (r)evolution to achieve its objective, and particularly, to make cities energetically autonomous and carbon neutral.

  • electriXities means:

    • to implement and finance energy retrofits of existing buildings in residential and tertiary sectors, and thereby eradicate the use of combustion in everyday’s life;
    • to proceed to LED relighting, in particular public lighting;
    • to conduct the solarization of roads and railways;
    • to promote the migration to electric and autonomous mobility;
    • to conduct direct capture of atmospheric and ocean carbon, and its transformation into sustainable building materials.

“Is that thing really, really important ?
Is it going to affect everyone in the world ?
Is it going to affect a lot of people everyday ?”

Larry Page,
Fortune’s Global Forum Conference,
San Francisco, November 2015

2 – 50 – 75 – 80
“If we fix cities, actually it’s a big deal.
Cities are only 2% of the Earth’s crust, but they are 50% of the world’s population. They are 75% of the energy consumption, — up to 80% of CO2 emissions. So if we’re able to do something with cities, that’s a big deal.”

Carlo Ratti,
MIT SENSEable City Lab,
TED2011 Conference, March 2011

“La domestication du feu est une invention formidable, mais, en termes d’évolution des technologies, c’est une percée préhistorique ! Il y a bien longtemps que l’être humain a cessé d’’utiliser des silex pour chasser ! Il est temps que l’homme moderne cesse de brûler des trucs pour se chauffer, se déplacer, et cuisiner…”